Paradise on earth

The more islands we visit, the more we are in love with the Perhentian Islands in Malaysia.

Are you part of a distributed team?

Team activities, courses and guides for companies with virtual teams!

Vietnamese Art

Propaganda posters, paintings and sculptures.

Happy Wesak

Procesión budista en Malasia

On how Asia reminds me of my childhood

Flowers, construction, poorly paved roads,...

Monday, September 25, 2006


On Thursday our floor neighbours came to give us some sushi that they had prepared. I was so happy! So happy to see that there are people out there that are not afraid of talking with other people! A lot of times I have the sensation that people in Barcelona are skared to talk with others, that is why everybody looks rude in the subway and nobody smiles, they are like walking walls.
El dijous els veïns de davant ens van venir a portar un plat de sushi que els hi havia sobrat. Va ser fantàstic! Fantàstic veure que hi ha gent que no li fa por parlar amb altra gent. De vegades aquesta és la sensació que tinc a Barcelona, que la gent fa mala cara tota l'estona perquè ningú els molesti, com murs que caminen.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Drooling Madonna / Madonna babejant

These are real pictures, I took them today dowtown Barcelona. It looks like she really likes it!
Aquestes fotos són reals, si les voleu veure només cal que aneu a Plaça Catalunya. És la Madonna Babejadora.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Jean-Pierre Jeunet

If you liked Amelie check out this shortfilm by Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Things I Like, Things I Hate
Si et va agradar Amelie mira't aquest curt del seu director Jean-Pierre Jeunet:
Foutaises, catalogue nostalgique des plaisirs de la vie

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Ahir vam anar al Club Capitol a veure Clak! us la recomano moltíssim. És un espectacle d'humor visual, molt enginyós, molt xulo. Una hora i mitja de riure constant. La vam trobar a molt bé de preu i ens ho vam passar MOLT I MOLT BÉ. Crec que a tots us agradaria. També serveix si voleu fer un regalet a algú altre, segur que també riuràn. Està a Barcelona fins a l'1 d'Octubre. Ja m'ho explicareu si l'aneu a veure!
If you are near Barcelona and you do not speak Spanish or Catalan you will really like Clak! because you will understand everything! It is a humour show playing at the Club Capitol (Las Ramblas). You can buy the tickets with a discount at
If you do not live in Spain here is a little present for you, it is a really nice shortfilm City Paradise.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Harvey Danger

Si no els coneixeu us els recomano moltíssim, es diuen Harvey Danger i us podeu baixar el seu nou disc de la seva pàgina web gratis i escoltar-los, són molt potents. Això si, si us agraden molt, si us plau, feu una donació, és molt fàcil i us sentireu millor. A gaudir-los!
Harvey Danger. Some of you might know them, but in Europe they are really unknown, if you haven't checked out their new album please download it for free from their webpage and enjoy it, it is really cool! Also if you like them and you recommend them to other people please make a donation, you will feel better. I do!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Why do you like to snooze? / Tu per què fas el ronso al matí?

The alarm clock goes off at 6:30 but you press “Snooze” until 6:40, then at 6:50 it goes off again and you put the day off once more, finally you get up at 7am, and you do the same everyday. Why? What is the pleasure of snoozing for you?_______________________
Segur que tu també ho fas… poses el despertador 20 o 30 minuts abans de l’hora d’aixecar-te, però per què? És una manera d’autoenganyar-te i fer-te creure que estas dormint més estona? És perquè t’agrada notar que estas dormint? Per què t’agrada intentar recuperar somnis deixats a mitjes? Tu per què fas el ronso al matí?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Si això és un home / If this is a man by Primo Levi

Aquesta setmana he acabat de llegir Si això és un home de Primo Levi. Primer de tot dir que qui el vulgui llegir que m'ho digui perquè us el deixaré sense cap problema. De fet, tots els llibres que vulgueu us els deixo, i si no me'ls torneu sinò que els deixeu a algú altre no passa res. Us vull recomenar moltíssim aquest llibre que parla de l'experiencia de Primo Levi en un camp d'extermini nazi. Vicenç Villatoro diu en el próleg: "Sembla que l'única via per parlar eficaçment del Lager sigui el testimoni vital, net, en primera persona, que explica les coses tal com són, sense afegir ni treure res, sense buscar efectes especials, sense més truculències que les imprescindibles. I aquest és el fonamen de l'obra de Levi." Val la pena.
Please read this book, it's very short, very easy to read and it makes you think about human kind and what we have done in the past. But not only about the past, if you also read Thomas Friedman's The world is flat, please link what Friedman says about muslims being humiliated and the germans being humiliated before the III Reicht. It gives you a lot to think about today's situation and a possible future if we do not change things. Very interesting. For a long time I felt lazy about reading this book because I didn't want to read about horror but it is written not from the horror presepective but from a very real and cold point of view. I am sure that all of you will really like this book. If this is a man by Primo Levi.

El mundo es plano / The world is flat

I strongly recommend you to read The world is Flat by Thomas Friedman. The first chapters might be a little bit boring if you are not really into the technological stuff. But after a while the book gets so much better! It gives you an outlook of the world situation, politically, economically,... very interesting and easy to read. If you want to know what is going one in the world today this is the book. Again, very easy to read, really. Also, it makes a good present.
El mundo es plano de Thomas Friedman no sé si a la majoria de vosaltres us agradarà gaire... parla molt d'Estats Units així que millor no us el recomano.
La foto però, mostra que el món es força pla per alguns afortunats. A la foto hi ha gent de Guatemala, Peru, Estats Units i 5 catalanetes!

Per si no vau rebre el meu email us recomano moltíssim
S'ha de crear una "estació de radio" basada en un grup que us agradi i després ell sol us proposa grups que tenen un estil semblant. És fantàstic per conèixer nous grups i per recordar cançons que havieu oblidat. Es gratuït i les cançons baixen molt ràpid. A mesura que aneu escoltant podeu dir si us agrada la cançó o no i us ofereix la següent segons el que li heu indicat. Proveu-ho! És genial!
Not so long ago I sent an email talking about, if you did not get it now it is the moment to check it out. It is really cool, you will be suprised. It is free and really easy to use. I use it at work all the time and it is awsome. You just need to start a "station" with the name of a band you like or a song you like and it will start playing songs in the same style. Then you can say if you like that song or if you don't and depending on what you say it will give you the next one! It is genious! Please give it a try!

Per què l'Anna té un blog? / Why does Anna have a blog?

Com que estic tipa d'escriure missatges multitudinaris recomenant llibres, pelis... he decidit que ho penjaré en un blog i qui vulgui que ho miri! Has pensat de tu també tenir-ne un? _________________________________
I am tired of sending spam emails to all my friends recommending movies, books... so I have decided to post that in a blog for you to look it up whenever you want! Have you thought of having one yourself?