I love this picture because it shows the exact opposite of what I say in my posts, it shows a muslim lady enjoying a Chinese budist celebration. She was having fun, taking pictures and smiling! Thanks!
Malaysian Airlines sends an SMS to the families of the victims, that are mostly chinese, it seems very cold, but this is how chinese are treated every day in this country. If you want to learn more about the relation between the Chinese population in Malaysia and the people in power, mostly Malay, you can read some of these posts: What is going on in Malaysia? An explanaition of the different ethnic groups that coexist in this country. With links to my posts about the Chinese, the Muslim and the Indian communities and what they have in common.
Happy Wesak or how to forget to cut the traffic during the most important chinese religious celebration.
Del 6 al 28 de març a MITTE Barcelona (c/Bairèn
86) es celebra un any més Korekara Japon!
Hi haurà vàries activitats com mercat d'artesania japonesa, tallers, concerts, exposicions, etc... Podeu trobar més informació info a la web de Korekara Japon.
La Yoko, una artista japonesa que fa uns dibuixos preciosos serà al mercat d'artesania (Koreichi) amb bosses estampades i
també amb coses fetes a mà pels afectats del Tsunami. Ella hi serà el dia 6 i 15 a la tarda.
Horari del mercat d'artesania: dijous.divendres 17-21.30h i dissabte 10-21.30h.