Having had lice as a kid myself I find really funny to see so many people looking for lice and having so much fun killing them.
The very first two people that I saw after crossing the Thai border into Cambodia where a couple of girls and they seemed to have a lot of fun looking for lice.
Today drove through a number of villages and every five houses you can see people practicing this fantastic sport. I have never tried it, but it sounds like fun!
For the people looking for new business activities, there is some business to be done killing lices in Cambodia!
It is always fun to think about all the strange things we eat, here's a list of mine:
Pigs feet, I love them, specialy the ones they used to make in Fontfaja
Rotten cheese from France
Botifarra de perol: sausage made with all the organs you can think of
Robert ate pigs heart the other day...
And the last new thing in my repertoir: a yummy delicious grasshopper! We were buying springrolls and the lady in the next stall was sellilng all kinds of fried bugs, she gave me a grasshopper to try and I didn't hesitate! After I had the grasshopper she wanted me to try some king of worm but it looked to disgusting. The grasshopper was actually very good and tasted really clean, something I could snack on!
El verano pasado pasé mis vacaciones en Grenoble cerca de los Alpes franceses, una ciudad preciosa y totalmente recomendable. Dormí en la carabana llamada James que una família muy especial me dejó. Digo que son una família especial porqué entre muchas cosas, han viajado por muchos sitios del mundo en un Tandem, este es su sueño. Les encontré gracias a CouchSurfing y siempre les estaré agradecida porqué son una gran inspiración de como es posible vivir la vida a la medida de cada uno. Aquí va la ilustración. En el margen derecho podemos su tandem :-)
Igual que TOTS els ciutadans de Tailandia, estic en fase
d'enamorament d'aquest personatge tot poderós que és el rei. Ell ho sap fer tot, fa
fotos, toca la guitarra, el saxo, el piano, dissenya obres de gran
infrastructura, salva al seu poble de la pobresa, coneix al nostre
estimat generalísimo, parla amb Elvis, passa una temporada
d'introspecció quan es fa monjo... què més es pot demanar?
El rei del rock i el rei de Tailandia
El rei tocant la guitarra
El rei budista
El rei toca amb músics de renom
El rei compositor
El rei suant
El rei i la seva inseperable càmera
D'aquí a unes setmanes us explicaré més coses, no m'agraden els grisos.
Llarga vida al rei!