I strongly recommend you to read The world is Flat by Thomas Friedman. The first chapters might be a little bit boring if you are not really into the technological stuff. But after a while the book gets so much better! It gives you an outlook of the world situation, politically, economically,... very interesting and easy to read. If you want to know what is going one in the world today this is the book. Again, very easy to read, really. Also, it makes a good present.
El mundo es plano de Thomas Friedman no sé si a la majoria de vosaltres us agradarà gaire... parla molt d'Estats Units així que millor no us el recomano.
La foto però, mostra que el món es força pla per alguns afortunats. A la foto hi ha gent de Guatemala, Peru, Estats Units i 5 catalanetes!
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Bravo, the excellent message
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