Aquesta setmana he acabat de llegir Si això és un home de Primo Levi. Primer de tot dir que qui el vulgui llegir que m'ho digui perquè us el deixaré sense cap problema. De fet, tots els llibres que vulgueu us els deixo, i si no me'ls torneu sinò que els deixeu a algú altre no passa res. Us vull recomenar moltíssim aquest llibre que parla de l'experiencia de Primo Levi en un camp d'extermini nazi. Vicenç Villatoro diu en el próleg: "Sembla que l'única via per parlar eficaçment del Lager sigui el testimoni vital, net, en primera persona, que explica les coses tal com són, sense afegir ni treure res, sense buscar efectes especials, sense més truculències que les imprescindibles. I aquest és el fonamen de l'obra de Levi." Val la pena.
Please read this book, it's very short, very easy to read and it makes you think about human kind and what we have done in the past. But not only about the past, if you also read Thomas Friedman's The world is flat, please link what Friedman says about muslims being humiliated and the germans being humiliated before the III Reicht. It gives you a lot to think about today's situation and a possible future if we do not change things. Very interesting. For a long time I felt lazy about reading this book because I didn't want to read about horror but it is written not from the horror presepective but from a very real and cold point of view. I am sure that all of you will really like this book. If this is a man by Primo Levi.
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