I normally do not like to read this kind of self-help book but this one is very good. Mainly it is good because it is short and secondly it is good because it talks about you. The title says that it talks about leadership but they only say that to sell books among biz people, it is really about being in peace with oneself and with those that are near us. This book makes a good present too. It is by the Arbinger Institute.
Ja sabeu que no m'agraden gens aquests llibres d'autoajuda però aquest és diferent, es diu La Caja i m'agrada força. Primer perquè és curt, i segon perquè de forma gens dogmàtica t'explica un parell de coses sobre estar en pau amb tu mateix i amb els que t'envolten. Si heu de fer un regal a algú que estimeu aquest és un bon regal. I molt fàcil de llegir! És de l'Arbinger Institute
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Photo of Robert in Paris in front of my favourite buiding/box: the institute of arab studies.
compra't la intel.ligencia fracassada! autor: A.J MArina, o algo aixi.
Being married to a biz leader, I know that the best one is the one who is at peace with him/herself and their surroundings. The worst ones are the ones who are in personal turmoil, and all of their crap spills out into the way the relate to their employees and the way they lead in general. Sounds like a good book.
Let me know if you read it! This book talks about all human relations, it is great! I find myself recommending it in most of the conversations I have with friends!
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