Thursday, November 09, 2006

Who was your favourite in Northern Exposure? / Qui era el teu preferit a Dr. en Alaska?

In Spain they called the show Dr in Alaska, isn't it funny? The second season just came out here and they sold so many copies! Do you remember the show? Who was your favourite character? Shelly the blonde that works at the bar? Dr. Joel Fleishman? Ed with the black leather jacket? Maggie the sexy pilot? Chris in the morning? Maurice the astronaut? Marilyn the receptionist? Holling the ex-hunter that runs the bar? Ruth Anne and her grocery store? You will have to read the commentaries to know mine!! If you know how to programm a poll let me know!
Dr en Alaska, els dies d'estiu cap a mitjanit a La2, quan La2 no era La2 sino TVE2. Els que us heu comprat el DVD ho tindreu fresc, els que no us l'haugueu comprat digueu-m'ho i us el deixaré! Qui era el vostre preferit? Shelly? Joel? Ed? Maggie? Chris? Maurice? Marilyn? Holling? Ruth? Podeu votar en els comentaris. Si algú em sap programar una enquesta m'ho podeu enviar a la meva adreça!

6 comentarios:

For me the best,... was ... sorry I cannot choose one. I will choose 2: Marlyn and Chris. The native and the spiritual. They are my favourite. And yours?
There is a girl at work who has a photo of Dr. Fleishman put up in her cubicle. And it is not me :-)

This is one of my all-time favorite shows, but it's been so long since I've seen it that I can't remember the names of the characters.

I loved the bar owner who used to hunt but became a photographer, and I loved his relationship with the very young girl who turned their bedroom pink.

I also loved the little old woman who ran the general store.

I do remember a favorite episode--they built a giant catapult, and flung a piano. It was magnificent. Great show.

My favorite character is probably Ed, because he sees things in such an extraordinary way. However, if I´m honest with myself, it is Maurice that is the most fun. . . poor Maurice!!!

My favorite side character is Adam, the New York chef that exiled himself in the woods of Alaska.

yo me quedo con el doctor freishman, por ser así entrañable y mono. Aún así yo solo soy principiante en la serie, solo he visto capítulos sueltos. Ala, besitos!

Uau! Anna, no me lo creo!! Estaba pensando lo mismo que tú!! No puedo elegir un personaje, sino 2: Marilyn y Chris!! Son mis preferidos :-)
Sí, me he comprado la serie y la veo poquito a poco para no "gastarla", ¡qué gusto!
También me compré hace poco la primera temporada, que no la tenía. No la tenían en ningún sitio y un hada madrina de El Corte Inglés me la encontró en nosequé Corte Inglés perdido de por ahí. Le dí un beso :-)

Señores que editan Northern Exposure, por favor, queremos más temporadas!